HypnoBirthing® is a tried and proven technique, as well as a philosophy that guides and prepares a woman in giving birth in a peaceful and extraordinarily beautiful manner. It is a program that considers the psychological, as well as the physical, well-being of the mother, her birth partner, and the newborn, independent of context, whether that be in the quiet of a home, a hospital, or a birth center. The HypnoBirthing® program is built around an educational process that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, attention to nutrition, and positive body toning.

  • Category: Classes & Workshops
  • Duration: 02:30 Hours
  • Address: 868 Cove Parkway, Cottonwood, AZ, USA (Map)
  • More Info: Suite 4




New classes are scheduled and coordinated with our expecting families. Expecting families, pre-planning couples, or those in an industry that plays a supporting role to women's health and would like to know more are welcome to participate.

For more information about HypnoBirthing® including the founding origins, international involvement, and valuable family resources visit https://hypnobirthing.com/